Excel Procurement Mapping Template

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Procurement mapping is a matrix of suppliers data analysed through the prism of a diagram or charts. It is a visual representation of your company’s expenditure.”

By downloading this Procurement Mapping Template, you will be able to :

  • Analyse your expenditure and control your volumes.
  • Identify areas for improvement in your purchasing process.
  • Reduce your risks by thinking ahead.

Don’t wait any longer and receive your Procurement Mapping Template directly by e-mail !

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Control your purchases with Weproc

No more tedious searches : all your key data is centralised, so you can monitor the progress of each process. Follow every stage of your transactions live.


Make strategic choices with ease. Based on the data consumed and the information shared, determine the measures to adopt to rationalise your costs.


Establish validation paths adapted to each type of purchase with Weproc. Real-time validation flows speed up the purchasing process.

Purchasing Family Management

Keep an eye on your spending by family of purchases. This overview will help you make the right choices and cut costs on a day-to-day basis.

Products catalogue

With a personalised catalogue, you can simplify your processes and get an overview of your prices by grouping your items together.

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Why map your purchases ?

Purchasing mapping is a visual tool used in purchasing and supply chain management to identify, evaluate and optimise purchasing processes and supplier relationships.

  1. Process analysis : This enables you to visualise existing purchasing processes, identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement.
  2. Cost optimisation : By visualising the costs associated with each stage of the purchasing process, procurement mapping helps to identify areas where savings can be made.
  3. Supplier Relationship Management : makes it easier to understand the interactions between your organisation and your suppliers, which can help to strengthen relationships and negotiate better terms.
  4. Compliance and Risk Management : Procurement mapping can help to ensure compliance with regulations and industry standards, and to assess and mitigate the risks associated with suppliers and procurement processes.

Using our free downloadable template, companies can quickly identify areas for improvement in their purchasing procedures. What’s more, detailed segmentation enables costs to be optimised effectively.

How can you map your purchases using this model ?

Our purchasing mapping model is structured around the collection, organisation and analysis of data relating to suppliers, purchasing families and expenditure incurred. There are 4 main stages in this mapping process :

  1. Supplier Management : Collect and store key information about your suppliers and categorise them into families and sub-families for better organisation.

  2. Purchasing classification : Set up purchasing families to group your expenditure logically.

  3. Financial Tracking : Record your expenses by detailing invoice information. This enables transactions to be traced and analysed financially.

  4. Analysis and visualisation : With your data collected and organised, use the mapping tab to visualise your statistical indicators.

Better risk management

This Excel-based purchasing map will help you to better understand and control the uncertainties associated with suppliers and transactions. By assessing and noting risks on the map, it is possible to visualise areas of vulnerability, such as dependence on a single supplier.

Mapping your purchases is therefore a valuable tool for proactive and informed risk management, contributing to your company’s resilience and financial performance.

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Purchasing management software for SMEs, Midcaps & Associations.


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