Excel Purchase Request Template

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« The Purchase Requisition is the first stage in an effective Purchasing Process. »

By downloading this purchase requisition template, you will be able to :

  • Track your internal needs
  • Validate your orders before buying
  • Seet up a purchase requisition process

Receive your purchase requisition template directly by email.

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Control your purchase requisitions with Weproc

Improve your purchasing process by submitting a clearly formulated request using a simplified tool. Benefit from instant transmissions and a scanned file for more efficient processing of your purchase request.

Customize your Requests

Our tool adapts to your needs. Specify the subject of your request using a simplified form and programme it so that you can concentrate on the essentials.

Speed up Orders

Once the purchase request has been received and validated, you can easily convert the ticket to suit your needs.

Make Collaboration Easier

Our tool gives you greater flexibility, allowing you to validate, refuse or forward requests according to your specific needs.

Live Validation

Benefit from an automated digital validation process. Weproc lets you configure authorisations according to your own conditions and approve requests remotely.

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How do you formulate your purchase requisition effectively ?

A well-formulated purchase requisition can facilitate the buying process and help ensure that you get exactly what you need. Here are our tips for formulating your purchase requisition effectively :

  1. Be specific : Provide as many details as possible about the product or service you wish to purchase (description, quantity, estimated cost, date required, etc.).

  2. Use clear, simple language : Avoid technical jargon and use language that everyone can understand. Properly expressing your needs will avoid misunderstandings and ensure that your request is handled correctly.

  3. Include all relevant information : Be sure to include all information that may be relevant to your request such as contact information, special instructions, payment terms, etc.

Questions to ask yourself before submitting a purchase request

Before making your purchase request, it’s important to think carefully about your needs. Here are the main questions to ask yourself before each purchase:

  1. What are the exact product specifications ? For example size, weight, colour, compatibility with other products…

  2. What are your requirements in terms of production or delivery ? For example, does the product have to be produced or delivered at a certain rate ?

  3. Does the product have to meet specific criteria ? For example, does it have to fit into a specific space, last a certain amount of time, be attached to something… ?

  4. What are your future plans for the product ? For example, will you need to modify or redesign it in the future ?

  5. What are the consequences if the product is not delivered ? For example, would this cause a production disruption for your company ?

  6. Are you prepared to pay for a sample before placing a full order ? This can help you check the quality of the product before committing to a major purchase.

  7. How will you test the product on delivery ? What criteria will you use to accept or reject the product ?

By thinking carefully about these questions before making your purchase request, you can be sure of getting exactly what you need and avoid potential problems later.

How do I use this purchase request template?

Our downloadable purchase request template is easy to use and fully customisable. To use this free template, simply fill in the appropriate fields with the details of your purchase request. You can then send this document to your suppliers to prepare your order.

To tailor the purchase requisition to your company, we recommend that you delete or modify the fields according to your needs.

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Purchasing management software for SMEs, Midcaps & Associations.


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