Digitalising your purchases with a software

Logiciel gestion achats

Some companies are content to use an outdated management system. Unfortunately, this can hinder business development. Choosing an excellent purchasing management software system is crucial for companies. It’s even a strategic issue. This tool can simplify the purchasing process and improve internal customer satisfaction. It also helps to improve productivity and optimise margins.

Why use purchasing management software?

Competition between companies is increasingly fierce. Companies are forced to adapt constantly. They can no longer afford to increase their prices to get a better margin. With purchasing management software, they can create leverage on their margins. It’s a management tool that considerably reduces the time spent on :

  • Managing purchase requisitions,
  • Managing suppliers, their panels and their evaluations,
  • Creating invitations to tender and managing competitive tendering,
  • Administrative procedures,
  • Monitoring purchase orders.

Purchasing software makes it easier to manage supplies and improve stock control. It’s an excellent way of avoiding stock-outs. It allows you to be more responsive to internal customers and suppliers. As a result, your company will gain in credibility and efficiency. Some management software packages are more powerful. They will enable you to identify areas for improvement in your organisation.

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What are the main advantages of purchasing software?

There are real advantages to using purchasing management software. It’s a way of :

  • Increase productivity: the most time-consuming tasks are handled by the software. Staff can then devote themselves to value-added activities,
  • Increase margins: the dashboards show you the right indicators to help you make strategic decisions and take action to optimise your margins. Without having to increase the price of your products or services.
  • Control expenditure management with a validation workflow and a defined purchasing policy.

The purchasing management tool helps to improve purchasing performance and ultimately boost your company’s performance.

What are the features of purchasing management software?

Purchasing software makes it easier to create and update your company’s supplier database. You can record the elements of a purchasing department and trace all the flows. This tool makes it easier to monitor and control budgets, orders, dematerialised supplier invoices and deliveries.

It can be adapted for companies of all sizes. It is a tool that optimises purchasing and automates the various stages in the purchasing process.

An invoice and payment management tool

All supplier invoices paid or to be paid are integrated into the purchasing software. This means you can keep track of payments made. It will be easier to develop your brands because you have a global view of all transactions. It’s an excellent tool because it makes it easier to control invoices and budgets, with visibility of spending commitments.

An order management tool

If you want to keep track of current supplier orders, simply consult the purchasing management software. If required, you can edit your suppliers’ quotes and invoices directly. Thanks to the detailed dashboards, it’s quick and easy to manage orders. It’s also easy to control order validation and receipt.

A supplier management tool

Purchasing software lets you access and monitor your supplier panel. Offers and information are centralised in one place, so you can find your way around easily. You can also manage contracts and your product catalogue.

Reception tracking

With purchasing software, you can easily track incoming orders, which saves you a considerable amount of time. You’ll no longer need to check with operational staff. And it’s easy to identify suppliers who need to be recontacted and any malfunctions that may have occurred.

What criteria should I take into account when choosing purchasing software?

First and foremost, you need to take into account the size of your company and the budget you have available. You also need to draw up an internal specification. These should include your requirements and the funds you have available to implement the project. Find out whether the tool is compatible with your current management software.

The software must be dynamic enough to optimise current purchases and anticipate future ones. It is essential to ensure that the information transmitted by the software is clear and that the data can be used. In this way, all the employees concerned will be able to work together on this management solution according to their role in the purchasing process.

There are different types of software on the market. Choose a tool that meets your company’s needs. Purchasing software also needs to have a mobile version for validation purposes. This will make it easier to manage requests, with validation levels notifying you of purchase requests to be processed, for example. Thanks to these productivity tools, you’ll develop better relations with your suppliers and your organisation will be flawless.

Access to purchasing software is a strategic issue for any company. This tool can help you grow your business. Weproc is SaaS purchasing software that gives you visibility and control over your spending. Orders are sent out and purchases are optimally managed. Approvals are instantaneous and automated, purchasing files and documents are centralised, and budgets are kept under control. As a practical and simple solution, Weproc is immediately operational. Accelerate your digital transformation with intuitive, high-performance purchasing software.


Want to learn more about our procurement management software Weproc? Contact us or request your free 15-minutes demo below!

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Purchasing management software for SMEs, Midcaps & Associations.


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